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East Scotland Branch


Scottish Micro Moth Distribution Maps

Compiled by Mark Cubitt

The table on this page lists the micro moths of the family shown that have been recorded in Scotland. The maps show, at a vice county level, where each species has been recorded.  

Clicking on the map will show an enlarged version of the map. The cursor (arrow) keys on a keyboard can be used to move to the next or previous species' enlarged map.

Clicking on the Taxon (scientific name) will open a browser window for that species in the ukmoths web site.

Data has been supplied by Dr Mark Young in collaboration with Tony Davis.  The list is provisional and may contain some errors and Mark would welcome any comments about this from anyone finding such errors.  New vice county records are published in the Annual Microlepidoptera Review, which appears each year in the Entomologists Record journal.  Updates are made periodically based on new records which should be submitted annually via your county moth recorder to both Mark and Tony. .

Species with a first record in 2016 and later are shown with a blue spot, in 2020 with green and earlier records an orange spot.

Page last created: 12/03/2025

Micro moth index
Previous family (Pyralidae)




VC Map

10K Quantity Map

10k Change Map

63.002 (1368) Loxostege sticticalis
63.003 (1367) Pyrausta cingulata
63.004 (1364) Pyrausta sanguinalis
63.005 (1365) Pyrausta despicata
63.006 (1361) Pyrausta aurata
63.007 (1362) Pyrausta purpuralis
63.008 (1363) Pyrausta ostrinalis
63.011 (1369) Uresiphita gilvata
63.014 (1370) Sitochroa palealis
63.016 (1386) Anania fuscalis
63.018 (1378) Anania coronata
63.02 (1380) Anania perlucidalis
63.021 (1379) Anania terrealis
63.022 (1385) Anania crocealis
63.023 () Anania verbascalis No records at 10k resolution for this species No records at 10k resolution for this species
63.024 (1381) Anania funebris
63.025 (1376) Anania hortulata
63.028 (1375) Ostrinia nubilalis
63.029 (1373) Paratalanta pandalis
63.031 (1395) Udea ferrugalis
63.033 (1388) Udea lutealis
63.034 (1390) Udea prunalis
63.035 (1393) Udea uliginosalis
63.036 (1391) Udea decrepitalis
63.037 (1392) Udea olivalis
63.038 (1405) Patania ruralis
63.042 () Diplopseustis perieresalis No records at 10k resolution for this species No records at 10k resolution for this species
63.044 (1403) Diasemiopsis ramburialis
63.046 (1403a) Duponchelia fovealis
63.047 (1404) Spoladea recurvalis
63.048 (1408) Palpita vitrealis
63.052 (1398) Nomophila noctuella
63.054 (1409a) Cydalima perspectalis
63.057 (1356) Evergestis forficalis
63.058 (1357) Evergestis extimalis
63.060 (1358) Evergestis pallidata
63.062 (1332) Scoparia subfusca
63.064 (1334) Scoparia ambigualis
63.065 (1335) Scoparia ancipitella
63.066 (1333) Scoparia pyralella
63.067 (1338) Eudonia lacustrata
63.068 (1339) Eudonia murana
63.069 (1342) Eudonia angustea
63.070 (1337) Eudonia alpina
63.071 (1341) Eudonia lineola
63.072 (1343) Eudonia delunella
63.073 (1340) Eudonia truncicolella
63.074 (1344) Eudonia mercurella
63.075 (1336) Eudonia pallida
63.076 (1289) Euchromius ocellea
63.077 (1290) Chilo phragmitella
63.080 (1293) Chrysoteuchia culmella
63.081 (1294) Crambus pascuella
63.083 (1297) Crambus uliginosellus
63.084 (1298) Crambus ericella
63.085 (1300) Crambus pratella
63.086 (1301) Crambus lathoniellus
63.088 (1302) Crambus perlella
63.089 (1305) Agriphila tristella
63.090 (1306) Agriphila inquinatella
63.091 (1307) Agriphila latistria
63.092 (1303) Agriphila selasella
63.093 (1304) Agriphila straminella
63.095 (1309) Agriphila geniculea
63.096 (1310) Catoptria permutatellus
63.099 (1313) Catoptria pinella
63.100 (1314) Catoptria margaritella
63.101 (1315) Catoptria furcatellus
63.102 (1316) Catoptria falsella
63.110 (1324) Pediasia aridella
63.112 (1325) Platytes alpinella
63.114 (1345) Elophila nymphaeata
63.1141 (1346) Elophila difflualis
63.115 (1331) Acentria ephemerella
63.116 (1354) Cataclysta lemnata
63.117 (1348) Parapoynx stratiotata
63.118 (1350) Nymphula nitidulata
63.121 (1329) Donacaula forficella
63.122 (1330) Donacaula mucronella